
1-The right to asylum.
2-The right to a nationality.
3-Free to say what do you want.

1- It says that everyone has the right to asylum. If you are persecuted or forced out of your home you have the right to get asylum in another country. In this country is not easy to rebuild your life (new language, new country, you don't have money, you don't know anybody...).
Unfortunately, there are about 30 million refugees in the world.

2-Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of their nationality nor denied the right to change their nationality should they wish to do so.
Sometimes people don’t have that right. And it is the cause of many wars. This wouldn’t happen if people accepted that no nation is better than another. People should be able to choose their goverment.
Kosovo is an example.

CONFERENCE 27/04/2011

1-What did you feel or think about the film?
In my opinion those problems existed but I didn't know that those people suffered so much. I felt sad and I wanted that in the future those problems would be less importants.
2-What are the main ideas you understood from the native american guy?
The most important for me is drums and their music. He told the audience the importance of drums because represent the heart beating. The beat depending  on what  they feeling in that moment. 
3-What do you think about Mourinho coments? Do you think Barça can win the championship?
I think Mourinho is stupid because he doesn't know how to lose in the games. I don't like his tactics and I think that the Barça will win the championship because is the best team in the world and deserve it.

(Laura Sánchez)

1- When I saw the film I realized that their life is extremely difficult. I think that all of us know their problems, and we know that they came here because they thought that their life would be better, but now they are here without money because they are also helping their own families on their countries.They have to keep going, expecting that their live improves.
2- What I remember the most is what he said about the "manipulation" by Hollywood films because all the things I know about native american people is what I have seen on films. He also talked about the importance of the drums in their music because it represents the heart beating and there are different rithms depending on the feelings that they want to show or represent.
3- In my point of view, I don't like the type of show that Mourinho wants to perform to hide what is obvious, the enormous superiority of Barça. He wants to blame the referees or somebody else because he hates losing and so much more if is against Barça. He doesn't have football arguments to fight against FCB so he uses the press to put under pressure Barça and also the referees because on the next match the referee will probably be influenced about Mourinho comments, and I think that's no fair. I hope that Barça wins the championship because is the best football team in the world and they deserve to win the Champions. Another thing that I want to say about Barça is that I really love what they represent, they are role models for lots of children and all of them are really good people that know how to behave in a pretty good way (which I don't see in any way in Mourinho's Real Madrid)
Laura Farrés