lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

Christmas Update

Recipe: How to make Toffeee Butter Crunch.

-1 cup butter
1- 1/3 cups sugar
-1 tablespoon light corn syrup
-3 tablespoons water
-1 cup coarsely chopped blanched almonds, toasted
-4 4-1/2-ounce bars milk chocolate, melted
-1 cup finely chopped blanched almonds, toasted

Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add sugar, corn syrup, and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring now and then, to hard-crack stage (300 F on your candy thermometer) - watch carefully after temperature reaches 280 F. Quickly stir in coarsely chopped nuts; spread in well-greased 13x9 inch pan. Cool thoroughly. Turn out on waxed paper; spread top with half the melted chocolate; sprinkle with half the finely chopped nuts. Cover with waxed paper; invert; spread again with remaining chocolate. Sprinkle top with remaining nuts. If necessary, chill to firm chocolate. Break into pieces.Also do it with love
(Fern, Laura S, Laura F, Cristina, Jordi)

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

4th week, news:

Sri Lanka 'porn actors' arrested and bailed
Sri Lankan police have arrested and bailed seven people accused of appearing in pornographic films.

How many suspects have been indentified?
The suspects face up to six months in ____ or a fine of 10,000 rupees ($89.75), or both, if ______. (complete)
What has the Sri Lankan media reported?
What does a woman identified as starring in the films say?


(Don't hit me I started today learning to draw with computer, Fern)

Japan, U.S. begin joint military exercises
The new is about the military exercises in Japan and U.S.

1-What did the Japanese Defense Ministry?
2-How many members of the U.S. are on duty?
3-What said Maj. William Vause?
4-What is the purpose of Keen Sword?
5-When you start the exercise?

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

3rd week news

Wife of accused arms dealer says she plans to sue Thai officials
This story is about a boy who is alleged arms dealer in Thailand. And his conviction and to plead guilty.

1-What did the Department of Justice?
2-Where was her husband illegally extradited?
3-What did Alla Bout say to journalists?
4-When he pleaded guilty? In which city?
5-What is said in the recorded meeting in Thailand in March 2008?

 Whaling collision 'fault of both sides'

A collision between a Japanese whaling vessel and a high-tech protest boat off Antarctica was the fault of both captains, New Zealand has ruled.

1-What's whaling?
2-Why Japan abandoned whaling in 1986?
3-What is the sea sheperd acusation?
4-What do you think about whaling?

Gangster arrested in Japan
Police in Japan have arrested a man alleged to be second in command of Japan's biggest yakuza crime syndicate.

1-  What's a yakuza?
2- What's his guilty?
3- What's the name of the gangster?
4- What are the ilegal activities that yakuza realize?

At least 60 killed and scores injured as a five-storey residential building falls in New Delhi.

1.How many people was dead and how many people was injured?
2.Where happened this horrible incident?
3.What did Sheila Dikshi said?
4.What did the city's finance minister said?
(Laura Farrés)

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

2nd week news

Blog News: From now we are working in the desing of the blog 'cause it look's very old-fashioned and it don't had much personality, also we are trying to improve the quantity and quality of the uploads in the blog. Our priority is focus on religions and myths, so when we achieve that, also we're going to give some love to the personal spaces. Stay tuned for more, also you can look at the awesome dancing jesus to make the waiting less harder.(Fern)

World News:
This new explains the hijacking of a ship at the hands of pirates.

1-When did the pirates hijack the boat?
2-How many Chinese people were in the boat?
3-What is the boat's name?
4-Did the Rescue center know something about the sailors?
5-Where the is ship destined?

Volcano ash forces flight cancellations in Indonesia
Volcanic ash spewing from Indonesia's Mount Merapi has forced some airlines to cancel flights out of Jakarta's international airport.

1-What it means "ash" in Catalan?
2-What's the name if the volcano?
3-In wich country started the volcano eruption?
4-Has the volcanic ash killed someone?
5-Did the flying companies offer any solution to the customers?

Japan rescues crew members from missing Chinese ship.
The Japanese Coast Guard  rescued on Thursday four survivors after a Chinese cargo ship went missing, officials and state media said.

1-How many people were rescued by the Coast Guard?
2-What happened in the island?
3-How many crew members were?
4-What did the Coast Guard find?
5-What Jin said?

Fatal plane crash in Pakistan
All 21 passengers on board flight killed in crash putside city of Karachi.

1.Where was the plane going?
2.What the pilot reported to the tower of control before the accident?
3.There was any foreigner on board?
4.Why the bodies can't be recognized?
5.Who chartered the aircraft?
(Laura Farrés)

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Introduction:Who are we? & 1st week news

Hello everybody, we are students of IES Pau Vila Sabadell.
We write in this blog because it's one of the activities that we do in Multiculturality Enlgish subject.
Blog's name is Multiculturality Pau Vila Asia because we've done some groups and each group chose one continent.

Our names are Laura Sánchez, Laura Farrés, Cristina Granados, Fernando Adelantado and Jordi Cortina, we are baccalaureate students.

We chose Asia, it is completely different to Europe and we want to know new things about this country.

In this blog we're going to put news, information, curiosities and general knowledge about Asia.

We hope you enjoy our blog.






Jailed Chinese dissident honoured for his "long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights".

Indonesian police are investigating whether or not a video allegedly showing Indonesian soldiers torturing indigenous Papuans is authentic.

Tourist couple abused during Maldives wedding
 Maldives islands are a very nice place and a couple of tourists chose this place to get married. The ceremonywas afficiated by a person of Maldives islands. The officiant took advantage of the tourist  that didn´t know the language to insult and laugh at them.
This fast was discavered thanks to a video on youtube.
Maldives tourist is are ashamed by this oncident.

1- What happened to the couple?
2- Where happened this?
3- Where was the evidence?
4- How they are treated in the Maldives?
5-What did the government do?

Many families were separated during the war between North Korea and South Korea, but since 2000 both Koreas organizer meetings for families who are separated. 

1- What is the name of The oldest of the South Koreans?
2- When the peninsula was divided into two nations? (date)
3- What demanded North Korea to make meetings every month?
4- What happened on Friday?
5- Think a solution for the problem

South Korea fires warning shots
South Korea's navy fired warning shots to push a North Korean fishing boat back to its side of the Yellow Sea

1-What is "Yonhap"?
2-There are any precedent naval crash?
3-Since what conflict are the two Koreas in tension?
4-In what hour n' day did the boat crossed the Northern Limit Line?
5-When did the reunions between the two Koreas started?
Two police officers were killed Monday morning in a Taliban suicide attack targeting a police compound in northwest Pakistan. Six people were wounded during the attack, which happened when hundreds of officers were inside the compound. 

1-How many people was wounded?
2-How many militants stormed in the police compound?
3-What happened during the gunfight?
4-What Taliban said about the attack?
5-Where happened this horrible attack?