miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

2nd week news

Blog News: From now we are working in the desing of the blog 'cause it look's very old-fashioned and it don't had much personality, also we are trying to improve the quantity and quality of the uploads in the blog. Our priority is focus on religions and myths, so when we achieve that, also we're going to give some love to the personal spaces. Stay tuned for more, also you can look at the awesome dancing jesus to make the waiting less harder.(Fern)

World News:
This new explains the hijacking of a ship at the hands of pirates.

1-When did the pirates hijack the boat?
2-How many Chinese people were in the boat?
3-What is the boat's name?
4-Did the Rescue center know something about the sailors?
5-Where the is ship destined?

Volcano ash forces flight cancellations in Indonesia
Volcanic ash spewing from Indonesia's Mount Merapi has forced some airlines to cancel flights out of Jakarta's international airport.

1-What it means "ash" in Catalan?
2-What's the name if the volcano?
3-In wich country started the volcano eruption?
4-Has the volcanic ash killed someone?
5-Did the flying companies offer any solution to the customers?

Japan rescues crew members from missing Chinese ship.
The Japanese Coast Guard  rescued on Thursday four survivors after a Chinese cargo ship went missing, officials and state media said.

1-How many people were rescued by the Coast Guard?
2-What happened in the island?
3-How many crew members were?
4-What did the Coast Guard find?
5-What Jin said?

Fatal plane crash in Pakistan
All 21 passengers on board flight killed in crash putside city of Karachi.

1.Where was the plane going?
2.What the pilot reported to the tower of control before the accident?
3.There was any foreigner on board?
4.Why the bodies can't be recognized?
5.Who chartered the aircraft?
(Laura Farrés)

4 comentarios:

  1. Answers to: volcano ahs forces flight cancellations in indonesia.
    1- ash in catalan means "cendra"
    2- The name is Monte merapi
    3- In Indonesia
    4- At least 156 people died
    5- Some companies have cancelled their flights but some others have't done it.

    PD: I love your dancing god under the profile picture jajjaaj

  2. Answers to: Fatal plane crash in Pakistan.
    - The plane went to Bhit Shah.
    - That it was a engine trouble.
    - Yes, one.
    - Becasue the bodies are burned.
    - The oil company ENI

    (Andrea Bardón)

  3. Answers for volcano:


    -Mount Merapi


    -Nowadays the've died 156 people

    -Some airlines have cancelled their flights

    By: Arnau

  4. Can you please correct your questions. I can't accept you make such simple mistakes. Make sure you understand and remember the structures for ever. Good job answering the questions.
